The collective catalogue displays books that are in the Thoth system, which is an open source metadata management service used by many of the publishers supported by the Open Book Collective.
Verena Winiwarter, and J.R. McNeill
William D. Furley
David Blamires
Claire Cullen Davison
Christopher Dummitt
Lionel Gossman
Diego Sanchez-Ancochea
Leslie Bethell
Brian R. Hartley
Robert Phillip Kolker
Roderick Beaton, and William St Clair
Brenda Weeden
Peter Adamson
Randolph Cock
Bill Schwarz
James Moore
Edward Bispham
Chiara Thumiger
Jonathan Powell
Fay Glinister
A.D. Morrison
Verena Winiwarter J.R. McNeill, and
Roderick Beaton William St Clair, and