The collective catalogue displays books that are in the Thoth system, which is an open source metadata management service used by many of the publishers supported by the Open Book Collective.
Sara Marzagora
Larry B. Crowder
Mario Telò, and Sean Gurd
Gabriella Stanchina
Teresa Carmody
David Foxcroft, and Danielle Navarro
Dina Zoe Belluigi
Anna Polze
Natascha Adamowsky
Hauke Ohls
Patrick Parsons
Justin Smith
Dirk Van Hulle
Eric Weiskott
Brian Greer
Floriana Cerniglia
Paul Webb
Jas Rault, and T.L. Cowan
Tristan Partridge
Brian Weatherson
Michael Richter
Aaron D. Hornkohl
Hart Cohen
M.H. Bowker
Mario Telò Sean Gurd, and
David Foxcroft Danielle Navarro, and
Jas Rault T.L. Cowan, and