DOAB is a community-driven index of scholarly peer-reviewed open access books increasing their discoverability and helping users find trusted open access book publishers. OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for peer-reviewed books by connecting academic publishers with libraries and funders through its infrastructure services  providing hosting, distribution, and preservation of open access books. Both DOAB & OAPEN are deemed essential open science infrastructure by SCOSS.

DOAB & OAPEN icon.
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DOAB is a community-driven index of scholarly peer-reviewed open access books increasing their discoverability and helping users find trusted open access book publishers. OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for peer-reviewed books by connecting academic publishers with libraries and funders through its infrastructure services  providing hosting, distribution, and preservation of open access books. Both DOAB & OAPEN are deemed essential open science infrastructure by SCOSS.

DOAB & OAPEN icon.



Operating three platforms: the OAPEN Library, the OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit and, in partnership with OpenEdition, the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)


OAPEN and DOAB are both independently governed Dutch foundations (‘Stichting’) that cannot be sold or acquired


OAPEN’s mission is to increase discoverability of open access (OA) books and to promote and build trust in OA book publishing

Open source

Delivering open infrastructures and committed to open science, including DOAB which runs on the open source DSpace 6 platform