meson press publishes experimental, innovative, multi-format open access books on digital cultures and networked media. Its publications challenge contemporary theories and advance key debates in the humanities today.
No. books per year
Typically publishing between 5 and 7 books per year
Costs per book
Production costs range between £1800 and £5500 (€2,000 to €6,000)
Core subjects
Aesthetics, film studies, media studies, philosophy, politics, science and technology studies
The Making of Les Immatériaux
Andreas Broeckmann
Was ist Medienästhetik?: Internationales Jahrbuch für Medie…
Natascha Adamowsky
Kritik des Neo-Extraktivismus in der Gegenwartskunst
Hauke Ohls
Fragile Evidenz: Videodokumente illegaler Zurückweisungen a…
Anna Polze
Containment: Technologies of Holding, Filtering, Leaking
Marie-Luise Angerer
Elementare Ekstasen: Sondierungen der Technosphäre
Léa Perraudin