Leuven University Press

Leuven University Press is a mission-driven, not-for-profit academic press of international repute, committed to sustainable and future-proof publishing. Our publishing policy aims to combine high-quality and high-impact content with low-threshold access to publishing.

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Leuven University Press

Leuven University Press is a mission-driven, not-for-profit academic press of international repute, committed to sustainable and future-proof publishing. Our publishing policy aims to combine high-quality and high-impact content with low-threshold access to publishing.

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Over 230 books to date

No. books per year

Typically publishing between 40 and 45 books per year

Costs per book

This varies according to book type and length, however BPCs for an average OA book (85,000 words) are €9,000, excluding VAT

Core subjects

History, Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, Religious Studies, Asian studies, African studies, Social Sciences, Architecture, Governance Studies, Urban Studies, Archaeology, Anthropology, Arts, Greek Studies