Verlag Barbara Budrich

Verlag Barbara Budrich

Verlag Barbara Budrich is an independent academic publishing company specialising in Humanities and Social Sciences. Founded in 2004 in Germany, we aim at serving our scholarly communities with high-quality publications in German and English across borders. Mission-driven, we are looking for ways of transitioning towards Diamond Open Access which helps dissemination of reliable knowledge as well as tearing down barriers to read and barriers to publish.

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Verlag Barbara Budrich

Verlag Barbara Budrich is an independent academic publishing company specialising in Humanities and Social Sciences. Founded in 2004 in Germany, we aim at serving our scholarly communities with high-quality publications in German and English across borders. Mission-driven, we are looking for ways of transitioning towards Diamond Open Access which helps dissemination of reliable knowledge as well as tearing down barriers to read and barriers to publish.

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Over 2,150 titles published over the past 20 years

No. books per year

Together with Budrich Academic Press, which is disseminated through Verlag Barbara Budrich as a junior partner, we publish some 200 books

Costs per book

Standard production cost amounts to roughly 6,500 on average

Core subjects

Educational Research, Pedagogy, Gender Studies, Political Science (including IR), Sociology, and Social Work, Public Policy