Thoth Open Metadata is a metadata creation, management, and dissemination platform specifically tailored to tackle the problems of getting open access publications into the book supply chain. The platform provides publishers with a tool to gather all of the metadata needed to disseminate books, such as information on titles, authors, publication dates, and the like, as well as metadata specific to digital and open access books, such as persistent identifiers and file addresses.
Fees & tiers
Thoth Open Metadata offers a membership package with tiered pricing, as detailed below. For pricing in other countries, please contact
Tier structure
Tier 1
10,000+ FTE
CRKN bands 11-13
Large org., high income country
Jisc bands 1-4
Tier 2
5,000-9,999 FTE
CRKN bands 7-10
Medium org., high income country
Jisc bands 5-6
Tier 3
0-4,999 FTE
CRKN bands 1-6
Small org., high income country / orgs. from middle-income countries
Jisc bands 7-10
*In the case of European institutions, tiering is determined by a combination of organisation size and the World Bank's classification of countries by income. Small organisations are defined as 0-4,999 FTE, medium organisations are defined as 5,000-9,999 FTE, and large organisations as 10,000+ FTE.
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 | 1800 1200 600 | 2700 1800 900 | 2550 1700 850 | 1800 1200 600 | 1500 1000 500 |
Contract length
Access to high-quality open access book and chapter metadata in a variety of formats;
An annual report detailing activities, key financial information, and the contribution of the OBC to its revenue streams;
Acknowledgment of supporting libraries on the Thoth website;
The rights to use the Thoth logo in marketing activities;
Supporting the only open source, open access metadata management and dissemination platform that makes the entire open access publishing pipeline more sustainable in the long term;