We published approximately 100 titles, all of which of are open access, and we publish between 6 and 12 titles per annum. The number of titles published is determined by the number of manuscripts received and the outcome of each manuscript reviewed. While there are some constraints in terms of capacity to manage titles, its model of outsourcing many of the production processes allows African Minds to take on more than the current number of books published.
Cost per book is between R100,000 and R66,000.
Publisher website: africanminds.co.za
At African Minds the emphasis is less on the commercial viability of publications than on fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base.
African Minds is a not-for-profit, open access publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We publish predominantly in the social sciences and our authors are typically African academics and thinkers, as well as international academics who have a close affinity with the continent. We offer a new publishing channel to authors frustrated by a lack of support from traditional book publishers as well as with publishing’s anachronistic and lengthy approach to making knowledge available. African Minds is therefore not a traditional, commercial publisher. Our emphasis is less on the commercial viability of our publications than on fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base.
African Minds was founded by François van Schalkwyk in 2008. African Minds is registered in South Africa (4 Eccleston Place, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130) and its legal status is that of a trust (Trust no. IT2864/2012).
Our governance model is based on the Board of Trustees, elected based on their abiding belief in the values of the organisation, particularly open access to knowledge about and from the African continent. The African Minds Editorial Board is appointed by the Board of Trustees and consists of independent scholars who are experts in their respective disciplines.
Banner Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash
African Minds is a not-for-profit, open access publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We publish predominantly in the social sciences and our authors are typically African academics and thinkers, as well as international academics who have a close affinity with the continent. At African Minds the emphasis is less on the commercial viability of publications than on fostering access, openness …
African Minds is a not-for-profit, open access publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We publish predominantly in the social sciences and our authors are typically African academics and thinkers, as well as international academics who have a close affinity with the continent. At African Minds the emphasis is less on the commercial viability of publications than on fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base.
We published approximately 100 titles, all of which of are open access, and we publish between 6 and 12 titles per annum. The number of titles published is determined by the number of manuscripts received and the outcome of each manuscript reviewed. While there are some constraints in terms of capacity to manage titles, its model of outsourcing many of the production processes allows African Minds to take on more than the current number of books published.
Cost per book is between R100,000 and R66,000.
Publisher website: africanminds.co.za
At African Minds the emphasis is less on the commercial viability of publications than on fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base.
African Minds is a not-for-profit, open access publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We publish predominantly in the social sciences and our authors are typically African academics and thinkers, as well as international academics who have a close affinity with the continent. We offer a new publishing channel to authors frustrated by a lack of support from traditional book publishers as well as with publishing’s anachronistic and lengthy approach to making knowledge available. African Minds is therefore not a traditional, commercial publisher. Our emphasis is less on the commercial viability of our publications than on fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base.
African Minds was founded by François van Schalkwyk in 2008. African Minds is registered in South Africa (4 Eccleston Place, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130) and its legal status is that of a trust (Trust no. IT2864/2012).
Our governance model is based on the Board of Trustees, elected based on their abiding belief in the values of the organisation, particularly open access to knowledge about and from the African continent. The African Minds Editorial Board is appointed by the Board of Trustees and consists of independent scholars who are experts in their respective disciplines.
Banner Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash
African Minds publishes predominantly in higher education studies, music, urban studies, and science and technology studies authored by African academics and thinkers as well as international academics who have a close affinity with the continent. African Minds is a fully open access, not-for-profit publisher.
African Minds offe…