Diversity of Play

Astrid Ensslin, Tanya Krzywinska, Karen Palmer, Markus Rautzenberg, and Mathias Fuchs
meson press

The early days when digital games were new, harmless, and a niche are long gone. Today’s games can simulate battlefields, predict disaster, and crash markets. We are faced with a diversity of play and the ubiquity of games, making them not only a popular medium, but the leading medium of our contemporary society. Based on the keynote lectures held at DiGRA2015, “Diversity of Play” provides a critical view on the current stage of digital games from a theoretic, artistic, and practical perspective by pointing towards the uncanny, the power of “unnatural” narratives, and the exceptions and uncertainties of digital ludic environments. With an interview with Karen Palmer and essays by Astrid Ensslin, Mathias Fuchs, Tanya Krzywinska, and Markus Rautzenberg.

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Included in Packages


  • Diversity
  • Game Studies
  • Gamification
  • Gothic
  • Ludification
  • Ludology
  • Narratology
  • Play Studies
  • UGG
  • Media studies: internet, digital media and society
  • Media, entertainment, information and communication industries
  • Computer games / online games: strategy guides
  • Computer games design
  • Games development and programming
  • P87-96
  • DiGRA
  • Diversity
  • Game Studies
  • Gamification
  • Gothic
  • Ludification
  • Ludology
  • Narratology
  • Play Studies
  • Media studies
  • Media, information & communication industries
  • Computer games / online games: strategy guides
  • Games development & programming
  • Media, entertainment, information and communication industries
  • Games development and programming
  • Media studies

Diversity of Play

Astrid Ensslin, Tanya Krzywinska, Karen Palmer, Markus Rautzenberg, and Mathias Fuchs

meson press



The early days when digital games were new, harmless, and a niche are long gone. Today’s games can simulate battlefields, predict disaster, and crash markets. We are faced with a diversity of play and the ubiquity of games, making them not only a popular medium, but the leading medium of our contemporary society. Based on the keynote lectures held at DiGRA2015, “Diversity of Play” provides a critical view on the current stage of digital games from a theoretic, artistic, and practical perspective by pointing towards the uncanny, the power of “unnatural” narratives, and the exceptions and uncertainties of digital ludic environments. With an interview with Karen Palmer and essays by Astrid Ensslin, Mathias Fuchs, Tanya Krzywinska, and Markus Rautzenberg.

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Included in Packages


  • Diversity
  • Game Studies
  • Gamification
  • Gothic
  • Ludification
  • Ludology
  • Narratology
  • Play Studies
  • UGG
  • Media studies: internet, digital media and society
  • Media, entertainment, information and communication industries
  • Computer games / online games: strategy guides
  • Computer games design
  • Games development and programming
  • P87-96
  • DiGRA
  • Diversity
  • Game Studies
  • Gamification
  • Gothic
  • Ludification
  • Ludology
  • Narratology
  • Play Studies
  • Media studies
  • Media, information & communication industries
  • Computer games / online games: strategy guides
  • Games development & programming
  • Media, entertainment, information and communication industries
  • Games development and programming
  • Media studies