Digital Energetics

Jordan B. Kinder, Cindy Kaiying Lin, Anne Pasek, and Zane Griffin Talley Cooper
meson press

Media and energy require joint theorization as they are bound together across contemporary informational and fossil regimes. Digital Energetics traces the contours of a media analytic of energy and an energy analytic of media across the cultural, environmental, and labor relations they subtend. Focusing specifically on digital operations, its authors analyze how data and energy have jointly modulated the character of data work and politics in a warming world.

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  • Media studies
  • Media studies
  • Media studies: internet, digital media and society
  • P87-96

Digital Energetics

Jordan B. Kinder, Cindy Kaiying Lin, Anne Pasek, and Zane Griffin Talley Cooper

meson press


Media and energy require joint theorization as they are bound together across contemporary informational and fossil regimes. Digital Energetics traces the contours of a media analytic of energy and an energy analytic of media across the cultural, environmental, and labor relations they subtend. Focusing specifically on digital operations, its authors analyze how data and energy have jointly modulated the character of data work and politics in a warming world.

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Included in Packages


  • Media studies
  • Media studies
  • Media studies: internet, digital media and society
  • P87-96